Yesterday I lost my watch somewhere in the forests of Hackney Marsh in London, or during the walk from there to my home in Leytonstone. This watch was a self given prize piece for successfully changing out the ball joints and tie-tods on an F-150 truck I had about five or six years ago. It was a tough job, and after its successful completion, I asked my neighbor John — a retired mechanic of some thirty-plus years – how much I saved by doing the job myself. His reply was somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,000. I was so pleased with myself and the success of the undertaking that I purchased this watch as my reward. It was about $150 I think.
I wore this watch with pride almost everyday, and replaced the crystal and band about year ago, paying more than the value of purchasing a nice used one on eBay. I know it is just product, but I dearly miss this watch, if for nothing else, the great achievement it represented.
The 2000 model F150 truck I repaired prior to purchasing the watch.