For the past month I have been preparing for the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) exam in hopes of adding a non-academic credential to my name. For example, my sisters no longer have to put MBA (a graduate school title) after their names, as they have sharpened their credentials into Certified Public Accountant status – a far more useful and targeted title for their respective professions. In fact, in order to become a CPA one must earn an MBA, so it encapsulates that also.
You see, at this time, I am amongst the millions upon millions of folks worldwide that have found themselves busted up employment-wise by Covid fucking 19 shit. So while in quarantine, I figure the best use of time is to become more marketable for whenever the market returns. So after completing well over 2000 practice questions and taking two out of four practice exams both passed with a reasonable amount of buffer from the pass/fail threshold, my confidence level is beginning to swell.
Tomorrow is practice test number three of four, and Tuesday should be the final one. Each test is 100 questions long with a two hour time frame. To pass you must score over 75 percent. There are four parts to the CFE, so that is 8 hours worth of testing if you require the full time allotment.
I will be updating this post as I get continue through this process. Wish me luck!